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Wood Duck Hen Taxidermy Bird Mount For Sale


  • Overall Grade: Excellent
  • Common Name: wood duck
  • Latin Name: Aix sponsa
  • Description of Taxidermy For Sale

    For sale, we have an outstanding Wood Duck Hen taxidermy mount, posed flying past a piece of driftwood and facing the viewer’s left side. The feather and coloration quality are both terrific, along with expert taxidermy craftsmanship and great attention to detail. All of this helps this duck earn our Excellent™ overall quality rating. All applicable sizes and dimensions are included to make sure this item will fit within your intended display space.

    – There is already a hanger attached to the back of this item.

    – The item will hang on a properly anchored drywall screw.

    *This item requires a transfer form. You will be emailed an electronic form after purchase that must be signed before these ducks can be shipped. This form can be signed on your phone or computer and takes less than one minute.

    SKU: 28473 Category:


    Description of Taxidermy For Sale

    For sale, we have an outstanding Wood Duck Hen taxidermy mount, posed flying past a piece of driftwood and facing the viewer’s left side. The feather and coloration quality are both terrific, along with expert taxidermy craftsmanship and great attention to detail. All of this helps this duck earn our Excellent™ overall quality rating. All applicable sizes and dimensions are included to make sure this item will fit within your intended display space.

    – There is already a hanger attached to the back of this item.

    – The item will hang on a properly anchored drywall screw.

    *This item requires a transfer form. You will be emailed an electronic form after purchase that must be signed before these ducks can be shipped. This form can be signed on your phone or computer and takes less than one minute.


    Animal Description

    About the Wood Duck (Aix sponsa)

    The wood duck is a brilliantly colored medium-sized perching duck found in North America. The males have iridescent plumage and red eyes. The females lack brilliant coloring and have brown feathers with white eyes. However, like the males, the females have feather crests on their heads. Like mallards, wood ducks migrate north for breeding and south for the winter. Wood ducks eat berries, acorns, various seeds, and insects.


    Item Specification

    Depth: 11″

    Height: 23″

    Width: 18″

    Weight: 5 lbs



    Grade Certificate

    Each item we sell comes with its own Grade & Specifications Certificate (GSC)
    Grading each item based on it’s overall characteristics helps assist clients by taking the guess work out of choosing the right quality taxidermy piece to meet their needs. We assign grades to each item based on our 40+ years of experience in the taxidermy industry. From serious world class specimen collectors to first time buyers, we can help you find just the right item to meet your needs!

    The Specifications of each item, including dimensions and unique characteristics, are recorded on each GSC Card. We include the Depth, Height, Width and Weight of every item when possible. We also include other features such as horn and antler length (when applicable) as well as any other key attributes and descriptions to better identify each items unique characteristics. Below is a sample GSC card. The Specifications and Grade information are provided in each listing.