Description Of Taxidermy For Sale
This is a great Goitered Gazelle shoulder taxidermy mount, posed in an upright position looking straight out into the room. It features a great set of horns, outstanding hide and hair, and outstanding taxidermy craftsmanship. The horns also achieve an unbelievable score of 36 0/8″ placing it 16th overall in SCI’s trophy book. All of this combined has helped this item earn our Excellent Plus™ overall quality rating. This will look good on any wall. All applicable dimensions are included to help ensure this item will fit within your intended display space.
– This gazelle exceeds the Safari Club International Gold Medal trophy book score requirement.
– There is a hanger already attached to the back of this item.
– It will hang on a single properly anchored drywall screw.
Description Of Taxidermy For Sale
This is a great Goitered Gazelle shoulder taxidermy mount, posed in an upright position looking straight out into the room. It features a great set of horns, outstanding hide and hair, and outstanding taxidermy craftsmanship. The horns also achieve an unbelievable score of 36 0/8″ placing it 16th overall in SCI’s trophy book. All of this combined has helped this item earn our Excellent Plus™ overall quality rating. This will look good on any wall. All applicable dimensions are included to help ensure this item will fit within your intended display space.
– This gazelle exceeds the Safari Club International Gold Medal trophy book score requirement.
– There is a hanger already attached to the back of this item.
– It will hang on a single properly anchored drywall screw.
About the Black-Tailed Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)
The Black-tailed (Goitered) Gazelle is native to the middle east of Asia, where it inhabits natural sand and gravel plains. This gazelle can run at high speeds like other gazelles, but it does it without the leaping or bounding behavior often attributed to gazelles. This particular species of gazelle is migratory and is known to cover up to 30km in a day in the wintering months, and that number is reduced to only 1-3km a day in the summer. The average body size of these animals is only 2-2.5ft from the ground to the top of their shoulders, and they weigh anywhere from 40-70 lbs in a grown adult.
Exportation: 535
Depth: 18″
Height: 29″
Width: 11″
Weight: 5 lbs
Horn/Antler Length (L): 14 4/8″
Horn/Antler Length (R): 13 7/8″
Base Circumference (R): 3 7/8″
Base Circumference (L): 3 6/8″
Gross Score (Decimal): 36.00″
SCI Score (Fractional): 36 0/8″
Record Book Score Classes for the Goitered Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)
Safari Club International
Gold – 34 5/8″
Silver – 32 3/8″
Bronze – 31 0/8″
Gold – 0 0/8″
Silver – 0 0/8″
Bronze – 28 0/8″
Boone & Crocket
Pope & Young
Rowland Ward
Scores with NT represent Non-Typical Scores ~ All other scores displayed are Typical Scores
The Specifications of each item, including dimensions and unique characteristics, are recorded on each GSC Card. We include the Depth, Height, Width and Weight of every item when possible. We also include other features such as horn and antler length (when applicable) as well as any other key attributes and descriptions to better identify each items unique characteristics. Below is a sample GSC card. The Specifications and Grade information are provided in each listing.