Description of Taxidermy For Sale
This is an awesome Collared Peccary shoulder taxidermy mount, positioned with a closed mouth, facing forward, and looking slightly to the viewers left out into the room. Fabulous hide and hair condition, combined with skillful taxidermy craftsmanship, earns this item our Premier™ overall rating. All applicable measurements and dimensions are provided to help ensure this item will fit within your intended space, as well as meet expectations regarding the items featured attribute sizes, scores, etc.
– There is already a hanger attached to the back of this item.
– The item will hang on a properly anchored drywall screw.
Description of Taxidermy For Sale
This is an awesome Collared Peccary shoulder taxidermy mount, positioned with a closed mouth, facing forward, and looking slightly to the viewers left out into the room. Fabulous hide and hair condition, combined with skillful taxidermy craftsmanship, earns this item our Premier™ overall rating. All applicable measurements and dimensions are provided to help ensure this item will fit within your intended space, as well as meet expectations regarding the items featured attribute sizes, scores, etc.
– There is already a hanger attached to the back of this item.
– The item will hang on a properly anchored drywall screw.
About the Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu)
The peccary is a medium-sized pig-like mammal, sharing noticeable characteristics like body shape, small hoof-toed feet, and the rounded, snorting snout. The peccary has a coat that actually resembles that of a boar, brown, black, and sometimes reddish in color. Peccary is predominantly found in South and Central America, though they have been introduced in the southern United States. The peccary is an omnivore, though it prefers to dine on grass, roots, fruit, and seeds.
Depth: 18″
Height: 18″
Width: 12″
Weight: 5 lbs
Record Book Score Classes for the Collared Peccary (Pecari tajacu)
Safari Club International
Gold – 14 1/16″
Silver – 13 9/16″
Bronze – 12 0/16″
Gold – 14 0/16″
Silver – 13 8/16″
Bronze – 0 0/16″
Boone & Crocket
Pope & Young
Rowland Ward
Scores with NT represent Non-Typical Scores ~ All other scores displayed are Typical Scores
The Specifications of each item, including dimensions and unique characteristics, are recorded on each GSC Card. We include the Depth, Height, Width and Weight of every item when possible. We also include other features such as horn and antler length (when applicable) as well as any other key attributes and descriptions to better identify each items unique characteristics. Below is a sample GSC card. The Specifications and Grade information are provided in each listing.