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American Badger Tanned Hide For Sale


  • Overall Grade: Excellent
  • Common Name: American Badger
  • Latin Name: Taxidea taxus
  • Description of Taxidermy For Sale

    This is an outstanding American Badger tanned hide. The hide is in fantastic condition, with soft black and white fur. All of this, combined with expert taxidermy craftsmanship, earns this item our Excellent Plus™ overall quality rating. All applicable dimensions are included to help ensure this item will fit within your intended display space.

    About the American Badger (Taxidea taxus)

    American Badgers are typically found in the northern and western US, but can also be found further north, in Canada, and as far south as Mexico. They dig large networks of underground burrow habitats with their massive front claws, where they spend most of their time in the winter months (though they do not hibernate). Badgers are incredible hunters (though it should be noted that they are omnivorous), and have very few natural predators. In some cases, they have been known to team up with coyotes while pursuing their prey!

    SKU: 19671 Category: