Description of Taxidermy For Sale
This is a great South African Impala Pedestal shoulder taxidermy mount, posed with its head in an upright position and looking straight out into the room. A pedestal shoulder mount means that you can see more of the animal’s shoulder. This Impala has a decent set of horns, which achieve an SCI Gross score of 55 1/8″. It also features beautiful hair and an outstanding hide. All of this combined with the expert craftsmanship has helped this item earns our Excellent Plus™ overall quality rating. All applicable measurements and dimensions are provided to help ensure this item will fit within your intended space, as well as meet expectations regarding the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, etc.
– The item will hang on a pedestal hanger. (Provided)
Description of Taxidermy For Sale
This is a great South African Impala Pedestal shoulder taxidermy mount, posed with its head in an upright position and looking straight out into the room. A pedestal shoulder mount means that you can see more of the animal’s shoulder. This Impala has a decent set of horns, which achieve an SCI Gross score of 55 1/8″. It also features beautiful hair and an outstanding hide. All of this combined with the expert craftsmanship has helped this item earns our Excellent Plus™ overall quality rating. All applicable measurements and dimensions are provided to help ensure this item will fit within your intended space, as well as meet expectations regarding the item’s featured attribute sizes, scores, etc.
– The item will hang on a pedestal hanger. (Provided)
About the African Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
The impala is a medium-sized antelope species found throughout the southeastern parts of Africa, most commonly found in savannahs and “the bush.” Both male and female impala have a distinct glossy coat, reddish-brown in color, with a white underbelly and a distinct “M” shaped marking on their rear. The male impala grows stunning black ‘ringed’ horns, which curve back over the head and grow up to 30+ inches in length. Male impalas use these horns to show off and battle over mates in the breeding season.
Exportation: 535
Depth: 22″
Height: 36″
Width: 16″
Weight: 10 lbs
Horn/Antler Length (L): 22 5/8″
Horn/Antler Length (R): 22 4/8″
Base Circumference (R): 5 0/8″
Base Circumference (L): 5 0/8″
Gross Score (Decimal): 55.125″
SCI Score (Fractional): 55 1/8″
The Specifications of each item, including dimensions and unique characteristics, are recorded on each GSC Card. We include the Depth, Height, Width and Weight of every item when possible. We also include other features such as horn and antler length (when applicable) as well as any other key attributes and descriptions to better identify each items unique characteristics. Below is a sample GSC card. The Specifications and Grade information are provided in each listing.